Friday, April 25, 2014


Royal Flyer Bee Pin
This week we raise the curtain and give you a glimpse of what it takes to prepare for our fabulous 
Yes, that Sale! The two day event when we gather all of our sparkly treasures, display them on tables, racks and walls and throw open the doors to the public. Some of you have attended this auspicious event which we’ve held for over 20 years and others of you have heard of it or seen glimpses of it in images that we’ve posted on our website. 
Butterfly Magic Pin/Pendant
But that’s the endgame. It takes  a lot of  work to prepare for the Sale, but  for us, it is a labor of love. The Factory Sale is our way of showing our appreciation to our customers for all the joy and support they give us. We offer a huge selection of our jewelry, accessories, gift items and clothing at less than wholesale prices.
We realize that many of you live far from Rhode island and cannot attend, so we try to schedule an online Sale or have special value items on our website during the two days the Factory Sale takes place. 
Approximately five months before the Sale, we  decide if we have enough merchandise to make the event fun and exciting and then choose the dates.
Bird of Fairyland Evening Clutch
It takes months to gather the limited edition items,  one-of a-kind pieces, and  forage through our archives for the limited vintage treasures that those attending search for. Many times we include clothing pieces from the Dreamkeeper collection that is sold exclusively on QVC UK. Once the treasures are gathered, we spend a great deal of time with quality control making sure each piece is perfect.
Crystal Chameleon Pin

Once upon a time the Factory Sale was held at our actual factory, but as the number of customers attending grew, we had to switch the venue to a larger place with access to much more parking. For the last few years the sale has been held at Scottish Rite Masonic Center, a lovely spacious building with room for our vast array of merchandise.

Dragonflies in the Forest Pin
 But we did say a glimpse of behind the curtain didn’t we? So here it goes: 
From the far corner of the factory the worried voice of our chief solderer calls for assistance from a designer. Can she substitute the fine jump ring on the watchband she is soldering, for a thicker one? The change is approved and the designer rushes back to  finish the prototype for a dragonfly treasure box. Customers were looking for more dragonflies, mermaids, fairies and various animals which we ran out of at the last sale.
Rainbow Radiance Pin/Pendant

A loud babble of voices is heard as it is discovered that one of the shawls has arrived in the wrong color. After our manger calms our inspectors, he seeks out an owner—can we work with the new color or will it have to be returned?  The color is attractive, more peach than the plum shade originally ordered. Someone is sent around the studio with a sample of the original and new. All of the fairies, um, workers weigh in and soon its decided: the new color is much more popular than the original. Score!
Emerald Queen Bee Pin

Meanwhile the manager receives an urgent call from production—they can’t meet the deadline for a windchime, if it remains as ordered. They're short on the chosen sparklies!  

A brief conference to decide what changes can be made to facilitate the deadline, and lucky us— Sparklies that were previously unavailable are offered as a substitute.  The intercom cuts through the jubilant "Saved!" as an urgent voice announces the need for assistance. 

Hang On Monkey Pin

One of our hand-painters from the enameling dept. is seeking advice for a second color choice on a picture frame.
Feline Fancy Heart Key Chain Charmer
Suddenly a buzz of excitement rises through the workshop. Apparently there is a cat outside. It looks a little scrawny and frightened, but not feral. Someone mentions its been outside for several days. A search of the company fridge and milk is found and poured into a jewel adorned cut glass bowl. A small group is elected to take the milk out to the cat, while the rest of the fairies, er, workers, resume working. Suddenly a  bell sounds, and it’s time for the 10:30 morning break.
 That’s just a small taste of what is happening behind the curtain as we prepare for the May  2014 FACTORY SALE.  We hope some of you can join us to see what wonderful treasures we’ve dreamed up for this much-anticipated event.

Scottish Rite Masonic Center
2115 Broad Street
Cranston, Rhode Isand

Come “SPARKLE THE WORLD” with us!

We have a Winner!
You have won the April drawing! 

Please contact us at and let us know where to send your prize!

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  1. Oh I so wish I could attend!! I will one day,.,...that is a dream of mine. And with a large wad of cash in hand!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL! I hope you all have fun....same some goodies for me! Love you all!!! Dawn Iverson aka StormFairy

  2. OH I LOVE the factory sales so much fun !! Buying jewels and seeing everyone again!SIGH!!! I wish I could make it hopefully next time!!!

  3. Oh boy what I would give to be there! And would I love love love to spend a week at the factory learning everything I possibly can about this wonderful product which I love so much :-) Best wishes during the factory sale, will be there with all of you in spirit!
    Love to all the fairies,
    Carmen (Carmen's Place)

  4. Wow - I wish I lived close enough to make it to the sale. All of that sparkle in one place must be amazing to see!

  5. With so much darkness in the world, we need more sparkles and use them instead of tattoo's.
    Fabulous jewelry.

  6. I never got to make it to a factory sale yet. I'm in Indiana and would have to fly in. I did go to the sale when it was with one of the Teas in PA. It was so much fun and I got to meet many Folly friends. One of these times I will be able to make another sale and I can't wait.

  7. I am fortunate enough to own several most-beautiful pieces of Kirk's Folly Jewelry.....other than online...where else is your preciously-breathtaking-wonderfully mysterious enchanting jewelry available?????????????????? I have never ever seen such exquisite pieces! And those pieces that I have....I treasure them!!!! And they will stay with me until I too enter the "unknown" the Land of Fairy-Kirk's Folly-Dreams!!!!! Very sincerely, Carin
